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project=CMIP5, model=NCAR Community Climate System Model, CCSM version 4, experiment=last millennium, time_frequency=mon, modeling realm=atmos, ensemble=r1i1p1, version=20120604

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Time Frequency
mon - Monthly
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Project - CMIP5
Ensemble - r1i1p1
Experiment - past1000
Name Description Units Standard Name Standard Name Vocabulary
ci Fraction of Time Convection Occurs 1 convection_time_fraction CF-1.0
cl Cloud Area Fraction % cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer CF-1.0
cli Mass Fraction of Cloud Ice 1 mass_fraction_of_cloud_ice_in_air CF-1.0
clivi Ice Water Path kg m-2 atmosphere_cloud_ice_content CF-1.0
clt Total Cloud Fraction % cloud_area_fraction CF-1.0
clw Mass Fraction of Cloud Liquid Water 1 mass_fraction_of_cloud_liquid_water_in_air CF-1.0
clwvi Condensed Water Path kg m-2 atmosphere_cloud_condensed_water_content CF-1.0
evspsbl Evaporation kg m-2 s-1 water_evaporation_flux CF-1.0
hfls Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux W m-2 surface_upward_latent_heat_flux CF-1.0
hfss Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux W m-2 surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux CF-1.0
hur Relative Humidity % relative_humidity CF-1.0
hurs Near-Surface Relative Humidity % relative_humidity CF-1.0
hus Specific Humidity 1 specific_humidity CF-1.0
huss Near-Surface Specific Humidity 1 specific_humidity CF-1.0
mc Convective Mass Flux kg m-2 s-1 atmosphere_net_upward_convective_mass_flux CF-1.0
pr Precipitation kg m-2 s-1 precipitation_flux CF-1.0
prc Convective Precipitation kg m-2 s-1 convective_precipitation_flux CF-1.0
prsn Snowfall Flux kg m-2 s-1 snowfall_flux CF-1.0
prw Water Vapor Path kg m-2 atmosphere_water_vapor_content CF-1.0
ps Surface Air Pressure Pa surface_air_pressure CF-1.0
psl Sea Level Pressure Pa air_pressure_at_sea_level CF-1.0
rlds Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation W m-2 surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air CF-1.0
rldscs Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation W m-2 surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky CF-1.0
rlus Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation W m-2 surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air CF-1.0
rlut TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation W m-2 toa_outgoing_longwave_flux CF-1.0
rlutcs TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation W m-2 toa_outgoing_longwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky CF-1.0
rsds Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation W m-2 surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air CF-1.0
rsdscs Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation W m-2 surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky CF-1.0
rsdt TOA Incident Shortwave Radiation W m-2 toa_incoming_shortwave_flux CF-1.0
rsus Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation W m-2 surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air CF-1.0
rsuscs Surface Upwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation W m-2 surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky CF-1.0
rsut TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation W m-2 toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux CF-1.0
rsutcs TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation W m-2 toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky CF-1.0
rtmt Net Downward Flux at Top of Model W m-2 net_downward_radiative_flux_at_top_of_atmosphere_model CF-1.0
sci Fraction of Time Shallow Convection Occurs 1 shallow_convection_time_fraction CF-1.0
ta Air Temperature K air_temperature CF-1.0
tas Near-Surface Air Temperature K air_temperature CF-1.0
tasmax Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature K air_temperature CF-1.0
tasmin Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature K air_temperature CF-1.0
tauu Surface Downward Eastward Wind Stress Pa surface_downward_eastward_stress CF-1.0
tauv Surface Downward Northward Wind Stress Pa surface_downward_northward_stress CF-1.0
ts Surface Temperature K surface_temperature CF-1.0
ua Eastward Wind m s-1 eastward_wind CF-1.0
va Northward Wind m s-1 northward_wind CF-1.0
wap omega (=dp/dt) Pa s-1 lagrangian_tendency_of_air_pressure CF-1.0
zg Geopotential Height m geopotential_height CF-1.0
Date Created
2012-02-06 07:18:22
Date Last Updated
2021-08-19 14:35:00
Version Date Publisher Published State Source
20120604 2012-06-05 07:06:53 Ilana Stern Published
20120213 2012-02-14 15:38:10 Ilana Stern Published
20120203 2012-02-06 07:18:22 Ilana Stern Published