NetCDF Header
project=NMME, model=NCAR Community Climate System Model, CCSM version 4, experiment=19970901, time_frequency=mon, modeling realm=ocean
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netcdf /datazone/nmme/output1/UM-RSMAS/CCSM4/19970901/mon/ocean/thetao/ {
TIME = 12;
LEVEL = 13;
LAT = 180;
LON = 360;
float THETAO(TIME=12, LEVEL=13, LAT=180, LON=360);
:standard_name = "Potentail temperature";
:spatial_op = "Conservative remapping: 1st order: destarea: NCL: ./";
:missing_value = 9.96921E36f; // float
:history = "From";
:long_name_mod = "T=01-AUG-1998 00:00:01-SEP-1998 00:00@AVE";
:units = "degreeC";
:long_name = "sea water potential temperature";
:_FillValue = 9.96921E36f; // float
float TIME(TIME=12);
:axis = "T";
:calendar = "NOLEAP";
:units = "days since 1997-09-01 00:00:00";
float LEVEL(LEVEL=13);
:standard_name = "depth";
:long_name = "depth interpolated vertically from Z_T";
:units = "centimeters";
:positive = "down";
:axis = "Z";
:point_spacing = "uneven";
float LAT(LAT=180);
:valid_max = 89.5f; // float
:valid_min = -89.5f; // float
:standard_name = "latitude";
:axis = "Y";
:data_type = "float";
:long_name = "latitude";
:units = "degrees_north";
float LON(LON=360);
:valid_max = 359.5f; // float
:valid_min = 0.5f; // float
:standard_name = "longitude";
:axis = "X";
:data_type = "float";
:long_name = "longitude";
:units = "degrees_east";
// global attributes:
:institution_id = "UM-RSMAS";
:institution = "Univ. of Miami - Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmosphereric Science";
:experiment_id = "Mon Oct 5 22:49:53 EDT 2015";
:model_id = "CCSM4_0_a02";
:frequency = "month";
:project_id = "National Multi-Model Ensembles(NMME) project";
:experiment = "September 1997 Forecast";
:modeling_realm = "ocean";
:realization = "01";
:contact = "Dughong Min ( and Ben Kirtman (";
:startyear = "1997";
:endyear = "1998";
:startmonth = "09 ";
:endmonth = "08";
:Conventions = "CF-1.0";
:Generator = "NCL v.6.0";
:References = "Ben P. Kirtman, Dughong Min. (2009) Multimodel Ensemble ENSO Prediction with CCSM and CFS. Monthly Weather Review 137:9, 2908-2930";