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CCSM run cs.c2_rel04_BC5_ne120_g16_pop62, Atmosphere Post Processed Data, Monthly Averages, version 1

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monthly_ave - Monthly Average
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Project - CCSM
Name Description Units Standard Name Standard Name Vocabulary
ABSORB Aerosol absorption /m Aerosol absorption CF-1.0
AEROD_v Total Aerosol Optical Depth in visible band 1 Total Aerosol Optical Depth in visible band CF-1.0
ANRAIN Average rain number conc m-3 Average rain number conc CF-1.0
ANSNOW Average snow number conc m-3 Average snow number conc CF-1.0
AODABS Aerosol absorption optical depth 550 nm Aerosol absorption optical depth 550 nm CF-1.0
AODDUST1 Aerosol optical depth 550 nm model 1 from dust Aerosol optical depth 550 nm model 1 from dust CF-1.0
AODDUST2 Aerosol optical depth 550 nm model 2 from dust Aerosol optical depth 550 nm model 2 from dust CF-1.0
AODDUST3 Aerosol optical depth 550 nm model 3 from dust Aerosol optical depth 550 nm model 3 from dust CF-1.0
AODMODE1 Aerosol optical depth 550 nm mode 1 Aerosol optical depth 550 nm mode 1 CF-1.0
AODMODE2 Aerosol optical depth 550 nm mode 2 Aerosol optical depth 550 nm mode 2 CF-1.0
AODMODE3 Aerosol optical depth 550 nm mode 3 Aerosol optical depth 550 nm mode 3 CF-1.0
AODVIS Aerosol optical depth 550 nm Aerosol optical depth 550 nm CF-1.0
AQRAIN Average rain mixing ratio kg/kg Average rain mixing ratio CF-1.0
AQSNOW Average snow mixing ratio kg/kg Average snow mixing ratio CF-1.0
area None area CF-1.0
AREI Average ice effective radius Micron Average ice effective radius CF-1.0
AREL Average droplet effective radius Micron Average droplet effective radius CF-1.0
ATMEINT Vertically integrated total atmospheric energy J/m2 Vertically integrated total atmospheric energy CF-1.0
AWNC Average cloud water number conc m-3 Average cloud water number conc CF-1.0
AWNI Average cloud ice number conc m-3 Average cloud ice number conc CF-1.0
bc_a1 bc_a1 concentration kg/kg bc_a1 concentration CF-1.0
BURDEN1 Aerosol burden mode 1 kg/m2 Aerosol burden mode 1 CF-1.0
BURDEN2 Aerosol burden mode 2 kg/m2 Aerosol burden mode 2 CF-1.0
BURDEN3 Aerosol burden mode 3 kg/m2 Aerosol burden mode 3 CF-1.0
CCN3 CCN concentration at S=0.1% #/cm3 CCN concentration at S=0.1% CF-1.0
CDNUMC Vertically-integrated droplet concentration #/m2 Vertically-integrated droplet concentration CF-1.0
ch4vmr ch4 volume mixing ratio None ch4 volume mixing ratio CF-1.0
CLDHGH Vertically-integrated high cloud fraction Vertically-integrated high cloud CF-1.0
CLDICE Grid box averaged cloud ice amount kg/kg Grid box averaged cloud ice amount CF-1.0
CLDLIQ Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount kg/kg Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount CF-1.0
CLDLOW Vertically-integrated low cloud fraction Vertically-integrated low cloud CF-1.0
CLDMED Vertically-integrated mid-level cloud fraction Vertically-integrated mid-level cloud CF-1.0
CLDTOT Vertically-integrated total cloud fraction Vertically-integrated total cloud CF-1.0
CLOUD Cloud fraction fraction Cloud fraction CF-1.0
CMFDQ QV tendency - shallow convection kg/kg/s QV tendency - shallow convection CF-1.0
CMFDQR Q tendency - shallow convection rainout kg/kg/s Q tendency - shallow convection rainout CF-1.0
CMFDT T tendency - shallow convection K/s T tendency - shallow convection CF-1.0
CMFMC Moist shallow convection mass flux kg/m2/s Moist shallow convection mass flux CF-1.0
CMFMCDZM Convection mass flux from ZM deep kg/m2/s Convection mass flux from ZM deep CF-1.0
CONCLD Convective cloud cover fraction Convective cloud cover CF-1.0
DCQ Q tendency due to moist processes kg/kg/s Q tendency due to moist processes CF-1.0
dgnd_a01 dry dgnum, interstitial, mode 01 m dry dgnum, interstitial, mode 01 CF-1.0
dgnd_a02 dry dgnum, interstitial, mode 02 m dry dgnum, interstitial, mode 02 CF-1.0
dgnd_a03 dry dgnum, interstitial, mode 03 m dry dgnum, interstitial, mode 03 CF-1.0
dgnw_a01 wet dgnum, interstitial, mode 01 m wet dgnum, interstitial, mode 01 CF-1.0
dgnw_a02 wet dgnum, interstitial, mode 02 m wet dgnum, interstitial, mode 02 CF-1.0
dgnw_a03 wet dgnum, interstitial, mode 03 m wet dgnum, interstitial, mode 03 CF-1.0
DMS DMS concentration kg/kg DMS concentration CF-1.0
dst_a1 dst_a1 concentration kg/kg dst_a1 concentration CF-1.0
dst_a1SF dst_a1 dust surface emission kg/m2/s dst_a1 dust surface emission CF-1.0
dst_a3 dst_a3 concentration kg/kg dst_a3 concentration CF-1.0
dst_a3SF dst_a3 dust surface emission kg/m2/s dst_a3 dust surface emission CF-1.0
DSTODXC Optical depth for diagnostics Tau Optical depth for diagnostics CF-1.0
DSTSFDRY Dry deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s Dry deposition flux at surface CF-1.0
DSTSFMBL Mobilization flux at surface kg/m2/s Mobilization flux at surface CF-1.0
DSTSFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s Wet deposition flux at surface CF-1.0
DTCOND T tendency - moist processes K/s T tendency - moist processes CF-1.0
DTV T vertical diffusion K/s T vertical diffusion CF-1.0
EXTINCT Aerosol extinction /m Aerosol extinction CF-1.0
f11vmr f11 volume mixing ratio None f11 volume mixing ratio CF-1.0
f12vmr f12 volume mixing ratio None f12 volume mixing ratio CF-1.0
FICE Fractional ice content within cloud fraction Fractional ice content within cloud CF-1.0
FLDS Downwelling longwave flux at surface W/m2 Downwelling longwave flux at surface CF-1.0
FLNS Net longwave flux at surface W/m2 Net longwave flux at surface CF-1.0
FLNSC Clearsky net longwave flux at surface W/m2 Clearsky net longwave flux at surface CF-1.0
FLNT Net longwave flux at top of model W/m2 Net longwave flux at top of model CF-1.0
FLNTC Clearsky net longwave flux at top of model W/m2 Clearsky net longwave flux at top of model CF-1.0
FLUT Upwelling longwave flux at top of model W/m2 Upwelling longwave flux at top of model CF-1.0
FLUTC Clearsky upwelling longwave flux at top of model W/m2 Clearsky upwelling longwave flux at top of model CF-1.0
FREQI Fractional occurance of ice fraction Fractional occurance of ice CF-1.0
FREQL Fractional occurance of liquid fraction Fractional occurance of liquid CF-1.0
FREQR Fractional occurance of rain fraction Fractional occurance of rain CF-1.0
FREQS Fractional occurance of snow fraction Fractional occurance of snow CF-1.0
FREQSH Fractional occurance of shallow convection fraction Fractional occurance of shallow convection CF-1.0
FREQZM Fractional occurance of ZM convection fraction Fractional occurance of ZM convection CF-1.0
FSDS Downwelling solar flux at surface W/m2 Downwelling solar flux at surface CF-1.0
FSDSC Clearsky downwelling solar flux at surface W/m2 Clearsky downwelling solar flux at surface CF-1.0
FSNS Net solar flux at surface W/m2 Net solar flux at surface CF-1.0
FSNSC Clearsky net solar flux at surface W/m2 Clearsky net solar flux at surface CF-1.0
FSNT Net solar flux at top of model W/m2 Net solar flux at top of model CF-1.0
FSNTC Clearsky net solar flux at top of model W/m2 Clearsky net solar flux at top of model CF-1.0
FSNTOA Net solar flux at top of atmosphere W/m2 Net solar flux at top of atmosphere CF-1.0
FSNTOAC Clearsky net solar flux at top of atmosphere W/m2 Clearsky net solar flux at top of atmosphere CF-1.0
FSUTOA Upwelling solar flux at top of atmosphere W/m2 Upwelling solar flux at top of atmosphere CF-1.0
H2O2 H2O2 concentration kg/kg H2O2 concentration CF-1.0
H2SO4 H2SO4 concentration kg/kg H2SO4 concentration CF-1.0
ICEFRAC Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice fraction Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice CF-1.0
ICIMR Prognostic in-cloud ice mixing ratio kg/kg Prognostic in-cloud ice mixing ratio CF-1.0
ICLDIWP In-cloud ice water path kg/m2 In-cloud ice water path CF-1.0
ICLDTWP In-cloud cloud total water path (liquid and ice) kg/m2 In-cloud cloud total water path (liquid and ice) CF-1.0
ICWMR Prognostic in-cloud water mixing ratio kg/kg Prognostic in-cloud water mixing ratio CF-1.0
IWC Grid box average ice water content kg/m3 Grid box average ice water content CF-1.0
KVH Vertical diffusion diffusivities (heat/moisture) m2/s Vertical diffusion diffusivities (heat/moisture) CF-1.0
KVM Vertical diffusion diffusivities (momentum) m2/s Vertical diffusion diffusivities (momentum) CF-1.0
LANDFRAC Fraction of sfc area covered by land fraction Fraction of sfc area covered by land CF-1.0
LCLOUD Liquid cloud fraction Liquid cloud fraction CF-1.0
LHFLX Surface latent heat flux W/m2 Surface latent heat flux CF-1.0
LND_MBL Soil erodibility factor frac Soil erodibility factor CF-1.0
LWCF Longwave cloud forcing W/m2 Longwave cloud forcing CF-1.0
n2ovmr n2o volume mixing ratio None n2o volume mixing ratio CF-1.0
ncl_a1 ncl_a1 concentration kg/kg ncl_a1 concentration CF-1.0
ncl_a2 ncl_a2 concentration kg/kg ncl_a2 concentration CF-1.0
ncl_a3 ncl_a3 concentration kg/kg ncl_a3 concentration CF-1.0
num_a1 num_a1 concentration kg/kg num_a1 concentration CF-1.0
num_a2 num_a2 concentration kg/kg num_a2 concentration CF-1.0
num_a3 num_a3 concentration kg/kg num_a3 concentration CF-1.0
NUMICE Grid box averaged cloud ice number kg/kg Grid box averaged cloud ice number CF-1.0
NUMLIQ Grid box averaged cloud liquid number kg/kg Grid box averaged cloud liquid number CF-1.0
OCNFRAC Fraction of sfc area covered by ocean fraction Fraction of sfc area covered by ocean CF-1.0
OMEGA Vertical velocity (pressure) Pa/s Vertical velocity (pressure) CF-1.0
OMEGAT Vertical heat flux K Pa/s Vertical heat flux CF-1.0
ORO ORO frac ORO CF-1.0
PBLH PBL height m PBL height CF-1.0
PCONVB convection base pressure Pa convection base pressure CF-1.0
PCONVT convection top pressure Pa convection top pressure CF-1.0
PHIS Surface geopotential m2/s2 Surface geopotential CF-1.0
pom_a1 pom_a1 concentration kg/kg pom_a1 concentration CF-1.0
PRECC Convective precipitation rate (liq + ice) m/s Convective precipitation rate (liq + ice) CF-1.0
PRECCDZM Convective precipitation rate from ZM deep m/s Convective precipitation rate from ZM deep CF-1.0
PRECL Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate (liq + ice) m/s Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate (liq + ice) CF-1.0
PRECSC Convective snow rate (water equivalent) m/s Convective snow rate (water equivalent) CF-1.0
PRECSH Shallow Convection precipitation rate m/s Shallow Convection precipitation rate CF-1.0
PRECSL Large-scale (stable) snow rate (water equivalent) m/s Large-scale (stable) snow rate (water equivalent) CF-1.0
PRECT Total (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq + ice) m/s Total (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq + ice) CF-1.0
PS Surface pressure Pa Surface pressure CF-1.0
PSL Sea level pressure Pa Sea level pressure CF-1.0
Q Specific humidity kg/kg Specific humidity CF-1.0
QC Q tendency - shallow convection LW export kg/kg/s Q tendency - shallow convection LW export CF-1.0
QFLX Surface water flux kg/m2/s Surface water flux CF-1.0
QREFHT Reference height humidity kg/kg Reference height humidity CF-1.0
QRL Longwave heating rate K/s Longwave heating rate CF-1.0
QRS Solar heating rate K/s Solar heating rate CF-1.0
QT Total water mixing ratio kg/kg Total water mixing ratio CF-1.0
QTFLX Total water flux W/m2 Total water flux CF-1.0
RELHUM Relative humidity percent Relative humidity CF-1.0
RHREFHT Reference height relative humidity fraction Reference height relative humidity CF-1.0
SFCLDICE CLDICE surface flux kg/m2/s CLDICE surface flux CF-1.0
SFCLDLIQ CLDLIQ surface flux kg/m2/s CLDLIQ surface flux CF-1.0
SFNUMICE NUMICE surface flux kg/m2/s NUMICE surface flux CF-1.0
SFNUMLIQ NUMLIQ surface flux kg/m2/s NUMLIQ surface flux CF-1.0
SHFLX Surface sensible heat flux W/m2 Surface sensible heat flux CF-1.0
SL Liquid water static energy J/kg Liquid water static energy CF-1.0
SLFLX Liquid static energy flux W/m2 Liquid static energy flux CF-1.0
SLV Liq wat virtual static energy J/kg Liq wat virtual static energy CF-1.0
SNOWHICE Water equivalent snow depth m Water equivalent snow depth CF-1.0
SNOWHLND Water equivalent snow depth m Water equivalent snow depth CF-1.0
SO2 SO2 concentration kg/kg SO2 concentration CF-1.0
so4_a1 so4_a1 concentration kg/kg so4_a1 concentration CF-1.0
so4_a2 so4_a2 concentration kg/kg so4_a2 concentration CF-1.0
so4_a3 so4_a3 concentration kg/kg so4_a3 concentration CF-1.0
soa_a1 soa_a1 concentration kg/kg soa_a1 concentration CF-1.0
soa_a2 soa_a2 concentration kg/kg soa_a2 concentration CF-1.0
SOAG SOAG concentration kg/kg SOAG concentration CF-1.0
SOLIN Solar insolation W/m2 Solar insolation CF-1.0
sol_tsi total solar irradiance W/m2 total solar irradiance CF-1.0
SRFRAD Net radiative flux at surface W/m2 Net radiative flux at surface CF-1.0
SSAVIS Aerosol singel-scatter albedo Aerosol singel-scatter albedo CF-1.0
SSTODXC Optical depth for diagnostics Tau Optical depth for diagnostics CF-1.0
SSTSFDRY Dry deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s Dry deposition flux at surface CF-1.0
SSTSFMBL Mobilization flux at surface kg/m2/s Mobilization flux at surface CF-1.0
SSTSFWET Wet deposition flux at surface kg/m2/s Wet deposition flux at surface CF-1.0
SWCF Shortwave cloud forcing W/m2 Shortwave cloud forcing CF-1.0
T Temperature K Temperature CF-1.0
T700 Temperature at 700 mbar pressure surface K Temperature at 700 mbar pressure surface CF-1.0
T850 Temperature at 850 mbar pressure surface K Temperature at 850 mbar pressure surface CF-1.0
TAUTMSX Zonal turbulent mountain surface stress N/m2 Zonal turbulent mountain surface stress CF-1.0
TAUTMSY Meridional turbulent mountain surface stress N/m2 Meridional turbulent mountain surface stress CF-1.0
TAUX Zonal surface stress N/m2 Zonal surface stress CF-1.0
TAUY Meridional surface stress N/m2 Meridional surface stress CF-1.0
TGCLDCWP Total grid-box cloud water path (liquid and ice) kg/m2 Total grid-box cloud water path (liquid and ice) CF-1.0
TGCLDIWP Total grid-box cloud ice water path kg/m2 Total grid-box cloud ice water path CF-1.0
TGCLDLWP Total grid-box cloud liquid water path kg/m2 Total grid-box cloud liquid water path CF-1.0
TKE Turbulent Kinetic Energy m2/s2 Turbulent Kinetic Energy CF-1.0
TMQ Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water kg/m2 Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water CF-1.0
TOT_CLD_VISTAU Total gbx cloud extinction visible sw optical depth 1 Total gbx cloud extinction visible sw optical depth CF-1.0
TOT_ICLD_VISTAU Total in-cloud extinction visible sw optical depth 1 Total in-cloud extinction visible sw optical depth CF-1.0
TREFHT Reference height temperature K Reference height temperature CF-1.0
TREFMNAV Average of TREFHT daily minimum K Average of TREFHT daily minimum CF-1.0
TREFMXAV Average of TREFHT daily maximum K Average of TREFHT daily maximum CF-1.0
TROP_P Tropopause Pressure Pa Tropopause Pressure CF-1.0
TROP_T Tropopause Temperature K Tropopause Temperature CF-1.0
TROP_Z Tropopause Height m Tropopause Height CF-1.0
TS Surface temperature (radiative) K Surface temperature (radiative) CF-1.0
TSMN Minimum surface temperature over output period K Minimum surface temperature over output period CF-1.0
TSMX Maximum surface temperature over output period K Maximum surface temperature over output period CF-1.0
U Zonal wind m/s Zonal wind CF-1.0
U10 10m wind speed m/s 10m wind speed CF-1.0
UFLX Zonal momentum flux W/m2 Zonal momentum flux CF-1.0
UQ Zonal water transport m/skg/kg Zonal water transport CF-1.0
UT Zonal heat transport K m/s Zonal heat transport CF-1.0
UU Zonal velocity squared m2/s2 Zonal velocity squared CF-1.0
V Meridional wind m/s Meridional wind CF-1.0
VD01 Vertical diffusion of Q kg/kg/s Vertical diffusion of Q CF-1.0
VFLX Meridional momentm flux W/m2 Meridional momentm flux CF-1.0
VQ Meridional water transport m/skg/kg Meridional water transport CF-1.0
VT Meridional heat transport K m/s Meridional heat transport CF-1.0
VU Meridional flux of zonal momentum m2/s2 Meridional flux of zonal momentum CF-1.0
VV Meridional velocity squared m2/s2 Meridional velocity squared CF-1.0
wat_a1 aerosol water, interstitial, mode 01 m aerosol water, interstitial, mode 01 CF-1.0
wat_a2 aerosol water, interstitial, mode 02 m aerosol water, interstitial, mode 02 CF-1.0
wat_a3 aerosol water, interstitial, mode 03 m aerosol water, interstitial, mode 03 CF-1.0
WGUSTD wind gusts from turbulence m/s wind gusts from turbulence CF-1.0
WSUB Diagnostic sub-grid vertical velocity m/s Diagnostic sub-grid vertical velocity CF-1.0
WTKE Standard deviation of updraft velocity m/s Standard deviation of updraft velocity CF-1.0
Z3 Geopotential Height (above sea level) m Geopotential Height (above sea level) CF-1.0
Date Created
2021-03-05 05:57:50
Date Last Updated
2021-04-13 15:18:10
Version Date Publisher Published State Source
22 2021-04-13 07:26:11 Eric Nienhouse Published
20 2021-04-12 08:04:24 Eric Nienhouse Published
15 2021-04-10 06:33:43 Eric Nienhouse Published
14 2021-04-09 15:27:18 Eric Nienhouse Published
11 2021-04-01 11:30:21 Eric Nienhouse Published
10 2021-03-19 13:44:23 Eric Nienhouse Published
3 2021-03-16 07:11:55 Eric Nienhouse Published
1 2021-03-09 08:43:50 Eric Nienhouse Published
9 2021-03-05 05:57:50 Ilana Stern Published