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CCSM run cs.hybrid_v5_rel04_BC5_ne120_t12_pop62, Land Post Processed Data, Monthly Averages, version 7

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monthly_ave - Monthly Average
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Project - CCSM
Name Description Units Standard Name Standard Name Vocabulary
area grid cell areas km^2 grid cell areas CF-1.0
BCDEP total BC deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere kg/m^2/s total BC deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere CF-1.0
BSW slope of soil water retention curve unitless slope of soil water retention curve CF-1.0
BTRAN transpiration beta factor unitless transpiration beta factor CF-1.0
BUILDHEAT heat flux from urban building interior to walls and roof W/m^2 heat flux from urban building interior to walls and roof CF-1.0
DSTDEP total dust deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere kg/m^2/s total dust deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere CF-1.0
DSTFLXT total surface dust emission kg/m2/s total surface dust emission CF-1.0
DZSOI soil thickness m soil thickness CF-1.0
EFLX_DYNBAL dynamic land cover change conversion energy flux W/m^2 dynamic land cover change conversion energy flux CF-1.0
EFLX_LH_TOT_R Rural total evaporation W/m^2 Rural total evaporation CF-1.0
EFLX_LH_TOT_U Urban total evaporation W/m^2 Urban total evaporation CF-1.0
ELAI exposed one-sided leaf area index m^2/m^2 exposed one-sided leaf area index CF-1.0
ERRH2O total water conservation error mm total water conservation error CF-1.0
ERRH2OSNO imbalance in snow depth (liquid water) mm imbalance in snow depth (liquid water) CF-1.0
ERRSEB surface energy conservation error W/m^2 surface energy conservation error CF-1.0
ERRSOI soil/lake energy conservation error W/m^2 soil/lake energy conservation error CF-1.0
ERRSOL solar radiation conservation error W/m^2 solar radiation conservation error CF-1.0
ESAI exposed one-sided stem area index m^2/m^2 exposed one-sided stem area index CF-1.0
FCEV canopy evaporation W/m^2 canopy evaporation CF-1.0
FCOV fractional impermeable area unitless fractional impermeable area CF-1.0
FCTR canopy transpiration W/m^2 canopy transpiration CF-1.0
FGEV ground evaporation W/m^2 ground evaporation CF-1.0
FGR heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt W/m^2 heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt CF-1.0
FGR12 heat flux between soil layers 1 and 2 W/m^2 heat flux between soil layers 1 and 2 CF-1.0
FGR_R Rural heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt W/m^2 Rural heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt CF-1.0
FGR_U Urban heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt W/m^2 Urban heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt CF-1.0
FIRA net infrared (longwave) radiation W/m^2 net infrared (longwave) radiation CF-1.0
FIRA_R Rural net infrared (longwave) radiation W/m^2 Rural net infrared (longwave) radiation CF-1.0
FIRA_U Urban net infrared (longwave) radiation W/m^2 Urban net infrared (longwave) radiation CF-1.0
FIRE emitted infrared (longwave) radiation W/m^2 emitted infrared (longwave) radiation CF-1.0
FLDS atmospheric longwave radiation W/m^2 atmospheric longwave radiation CF-1.0
FPSN photosynthesis umol/m2s photosynthesis CF-1.0
FSA absorbed solar radiation W/m^2 absorbed solar radiation CF-1.0
FSA_R Rural absorbed solar radiation W/m^2 Rural absorbed solar radiation CF-1.0
FSAT fractional area with water table at surface unitless fractional area with water table at surface CF-1.0
FSA_U Urban absorbed solar radiation W/m^2 Urban absorbed solar radiation CF-1.0
FSDS atmospheric incident solar radiation W/m^2 atmospheric incident solar radiation CF-1.0
FSDSND direct nir incident solar radiation W/m^2 direct nir incident solar radiation CF-1.0
FSDSNDLN direct nir incident solar radiation at local noon W/m^2 direct nir incident solar radiation at local noon CF-1.0
FSDSNI diffuse nir incident solar radiation W/m^2 diffuse nir incident solar radiation CF-1.0
FSDSVD direct vis incident solar radiation W/m^2 direct vis incident solar radiation CF-1.0
FSDSVDLN direct vis incident solar radiation at local noon W/m^2 direct vis incident solar radiation at local noon CF-1.0
FSDSVI diffuse vis incident solar radiation W/m^2 diffuse vis incident solar radiation CF-1.0
FSH sensible heat W/m^2 sensible heat CF-1.0
FSH_G sensible heat from ground W/m^2 sensible heat from ground CF-1.0
FSH_NODYNLNDUSE sensible heat not including correction for land use change W/m^2 sensible heat not including correction for land use change CF-1.0
FSH_R Rural sensible heat W/m^2 Rural sensible heat CF-1.0
FSH_U Urban sensible heat W/m^2 Urban sensible heat CF-1.0
FSH_V sensible heat from veg W/m^2 sensible heat from veg CF-1.0
FSM snow melt heat flux W/m^2 snow melt heat flux CF-1.0
FSM_R Rural snow melt heat flux W/m^2 Rural snow melt heat flux CF-1.0
FSM_U Urban snow melt heat flux W/m^2 Urban snow melt heat flux CF-1.0
FSNO fraction of ground covered by snow unitless fraction of ground covered by snow CF-1.0
FSR reflected solar radiation W/m^2 reflected solar radiation CF-1.0
FSRND direct nir reflected solar radiation W/m^2 direct nir reflected solar radiation CF-1.0
FSRNDLN direct nir reflected solar radiation at local noon W/m^2 direct nir reflected solar radiation at local noon CF-1.0
FSRNI diffuse nir reflected solar radiation W/m^2 diffuse nir reflected solar radiation CF-1.0
FSRVD direct vis reflected solar radiation W/m^2 direct vis reflected solar radiation CF-1.0
FSRVDLN direct vis reflected solar radiation at local noon W/m^2 direct vis reflected solar radiation at local noon CF-1.0
FSRVI diffuse vis reflected solar radiation W/m^2 diffuse vis reflected solar radiation CF-1.0
GC_HEAT1 initial gridcell total heat content J/m^2 initial gridcell total heat content CF-1.0
GC_ICE1 initial gridcell total ice content mm initial gridcell total ice content CF-1.0
GC_LIQ1 initial gridcell total liq content mm initial gridcell total liq content CF-1.0
H2OCAN intercepted water mm intercepted water CF-1.0
H2OSNO snow depth (liquid water) mm snow depth (liquid water) CF-1.0
H2OSNO_TOP mass of snow in top snow layer kg/m2 mass of snow in top snow layer CF-1.0
H2OSOI volumetric soil water (vegetated landunits only) mm3/mm3 volumetric soil water (vegetated landunits only) CF-1.0
HC heat content of soil/snow/lake MJ/m2 heat content of soil/snow/lake CF-1.0
HCSOI soil heat content MJ/m2 soil heat content CF-1.0
HEAT_FROM_AC sensible heat flux put into canyon due to heat removed from air conditioning W/m^2 sensible heat flux put into canyon due to heat removed from air conditioning CF-1.0
HKSAT saturated hydraulic conductivity unitless saturated hydraulic conductivity CF-1.0
LAISHA shaded projected leaf area index none shaded projected leaf area index CF-1.0
LAISUN sunlit projected leaf area index none sunlit projected leaf area index CF-1.0
landfrac land fraction None land fraction CF-1.0
landmask land/ocean mask (0.=ocean and 1.=land) None land/ocean mask (0.=ocean and 1.=land) CF-1.0
levgrnd coordinate soil levels m coordinate soil levels CF-1.0
levlak coordinate lake levels m coordinate lake levels CF-1.0
mcdate current date (YYYYMMDD) None current date (YYYYMMDD) CF-1.0
mcsec current seconds of current date s current seconds of current date CF-1.0
mdcur current day (from base day) None current day (from base day) CF-1.0
mscur current seconds of current day None current seconds of current day CF-1.0
nstep time step None time step CF-1.0
OCDEP total OC deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere kg/m^2/s total OC deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere CF-1.0
PBOT atmospheric pressure Pa atmospheric pressure CF-1.0
PCO2 atmospheric partial pressure of CO2 Pa atmospheric partial pressure of CO2 CF-1.0
pftmask pft real/fake mask (0.=fake and 1.=real) None pft real/fake mask (0.=fake and 1.=real) CF-1.0
Q2M 2m specific humidity kg/kg 2m specific humidity CF-1.0
QBOT atmospheric specific humidity kg/kg atmospheric specific humidity CF-1.0
QCHARGE aquifer recharge rate (vegetated landunits only) mm/s aquifer recharge rate (vegetated landunits only) CF-1.0
QDRAI sub-surface drainage mm/s sub-surface drainage CF-1.0
QDRIP throughfall mm/s throughfall CF-1.0
QFLX_ICE_DYNBAL ice dynamic land cover change conversion runoff flux mm/s ice dynamic land cover change conversion runoff flux CF-1.0
QFLX_LIQ_DYNBAL liq dynamic land cover change conversion runoff flux mm/s liq dynamic land cover change conversion runoff flux CF-1.0
QINFL infiltration mm/s infiltration CF-1.0
QINTR interception mm/s interception CF-1.0
QIRRIG water added through irrigation mm/s water added through irrigation CF-1.0
QOVER surface runoff mm/s surface runoff CF-1.0
QRGWL surface runoff at glaciers (liquid only), wetlands, lakes mm/s surface runoff at glaciers (liquid only), wetlands, lakes CF-1.0
QRUNOFF total liquid runoff (does not include QSNWCPICE) mm/s total liquid runoff (does not include QSNWCPICE) CF-1.0
QRUNOFF_NODYNLNDUSE total liquid runoff (does not include QSNWCPICE) not including correction for land use change mm/s total liquid runoff (does not include QSNWCPICE) not including correction for land use change CF-1.0
QRUNOFF_R Rural total runoff mm/s Rural total runoff CF-1.0
QRUNOFF_U Urban total runoff mm/s Urban total runoff CF-1.0
QSNOMELT snow melt mm/s snow melt CF-1.0
QSNWCPICE excess snowfall due to snow capping mm/s excess snowfall due to snow capping CF-1.0
QSNWCPICE_NODYNLNDUSE excess snowfall due to snow capping not including correction for land use change mm H2O/s excess snowfall due to snow capping not including correction for land use change CF-1.0
QSOIL Ground evaporation (soil/snow evaporation + soil/snow sublimation - dew) mm/s Ground evaporation (soil/snow evaporation + soil/snow sublimation - dew) CF-1.0
QVEGE canopy evaporation mm/s canopy evaporation CF-1.0
QVEGT canopy transpiration mm/s canopy transpiration CF-1.0
RAIN atmospheric rain mm/s atmospheric rain CF-1.0
RH2M 2m relative humidity % 2m relative humidity CF-1.0
RH2M_R Rural 2m specific humidity % Rural 2m specific humidity CF-1.0
RH2M_U Urban 2m relative humidity % Urban 2m relative humidity CF-1.0
SABG solar rad absorbed by ground W/m^2 solar rad absorbed by ground CF-1.0
SABV solar rad absorbed by veg W/m^2 solar rad absorbed by veg CF-1.0
SNOBCMCL mass of BC in snow column kg/m2 mass of BC in snow column CF-1.0
SNOBCMSL mass of BC in top snow layer kg/m2 mass of BC in top snow layer CF-1.0
SNODSTMCL mass of dust in snow column kg/m2 mass of dust in snow column CF-1.0
SNODSTMSL mass of dust in top snow layer kg/m2 mass of dust in top snow layer CF-1.0
SNOOCMCL mass of OC in snow column kg/m2 mass of OC in snow column CF-1.0
SNOOCMSL mass of OC in top snow layer kg/m2 mass of OC in top snow layer CF-1.0
SNOW atmospheric snow mm/s atmospheric snow CF-1.0
SNOWDP snow height m snow height CF-1.0
SNOWICE snow ice kg/m2 snow ice CF-1.0
SNOWLIQ snow liquid water kg/m2 snow liquid water CF-1.0
SNOW_SINKS snow sinks (liquid water) mm/s snow sinks (liquid water) CF-1.0
SNOW_SOURCES snow sources (liquid water) mm/s snow sources (liquid water) CF-1.0
SoilAlpha factor limiting ground evap unitless factor limiting ground evap CF-1.0
SoilAlpha_U urban factor limiting ground evap unitless urban factor limiting ground evap CF-1.0
SOILICE soil ice (vegetated landunits only) kg/m2 soil ice (vegetated landunits only) CF-1.0
SOILLIQ soil liquid water (vegetated landunits only) kg/m2 soil liquid water (vegetated landunits only) CF-1.0
SOILWATER_10CM soil liquid water + ice in top 10cm of soil (veg landunits only) kg/m2 soil liquid water + ice in top 10cm of soil (veg landunits only) CF-1.0
SUCSAT saturated soil matric potential mm saturated soil matric potential CF-1.0
TAUX zonal surface stress kg/m/s^2 zonal surface stress CF-1.0
TAUY meridional surface stress kg/m/s^2 meridional surface stress CF-1.0
TBOT atmospheric air temperature K atmospheric air temperature CF-1.0
TBUILD internal urban building temperature K internal urban building temperature CF-1.0
TG ground temperature K ground temperature CF-1.0
TG_R Rural ground temperature K Rural ground temperature CF-1.0
TG_U Urban ground temperature K Urban ground temperature CF-1.0
THBOT atmospheric air potential temperature K atmospheric air potential temperature CF-1.0
TLAI total projected leaf area index none total projected leaf area index CF-1.0
TLAKE lake temperature K lake temperature CF-1.0
topo grid cell topography m grid cell topography CF-1.0
TREFMNAV daily minimum of average 2-m temperature K daily minimum of average 2-m temperature CF-1.0
TREFMNAV_R Rural daily minimum of average 2-m temperature K Rural daily minimum of average 2-m temperature CF-1.0
TREFMNAV_U Urban daily minimum of average 2-m temperature K Urban daily minimum of average 2-m temperature CF-1.0
TREFMXAV daily maximum of average 2-m temperature K daily maximum of average 2-m temperature CF-1.0
TREFMXAV_R Rural daily maximum of average 2-m temperature K Rural daily maximum of average 2-m temperature CF-1.0
TREFMXAV_U Urban daily maximum of average 2-m temperature K Urban daily maximum of average 2-m temperature CF-1.0
TSA 2m air temperature K 2m air temperature CF-1.0
TSAI total projected stem area index none total projected stem area index CF-1.0
TSA_R Rural 2m air temperature K Rural 2m air temperature CF-1.0
TSA_U Urban 2m air temperature K Urban 2m air temperature CF-1.0
TSOI soil temperature (vegetated landunits only) K soil temperature (vegetated landunits only) CF-1.0
TSOI_10CM soil temperature in top 10cm of soil K soil temperature in top 10cm of soil CF-1.0
TSOI_ICE soil temperature (ice landunits only) K soil temperature (ice landunits only) CF-1.0
TV vegetation temperature K vegetation temperature CF-1.0
U10 10-m wind m/s 10-m wind CF-1.0
URBAN_AC urban air conditioning flux W/m^2 urban air conditioning flux CF-1.0
URBAN_HEAT urban heating flux W/m^2 urban heating flux CF-1.0
WA water in the unconfined aquifer (vegetated landunits only) mm water in the unconfined aquifer (vegetated landunits only) CF-1.0
WASTEHEAT sensible heat flux from heating/cooling sources of urban waste heat W/m^2 sensible heat flux from heating/cooling sources of urban waste heat CF-1.0
WATSAT saturated soil water content (porosity) mm3/mm3 saturated soil water content (porosity) CF-1.0
WIND atmospheric wind velocity magnitude m/s atmospheric wind velocity magnitude CF-1.0
WT total water storage (unsaturated soil water + groundwater, veg landunits) mm total water storage (unsaturated soil water + groundwater, veg landunits) CF-1.0
ZBOT atmospheric reference height m atmospheric reference height CF-1.0
ZSOI soil depth m soil depth CF-1.0
ZWT water table depth (vegetated landunits only) m water table depth (vegetated landunits only) CF-1.0
Date Created
2021-03-03 07:51:29
Date Last Updated
2021-03-03 15:05:33
Version Date Publisher Published State Source
7 2021-03-03 07:51:29 Ilana Stern Published