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CCSM run cs.v5_rel04_BC5_ne120_t12_pop62, Ocean Post Processed Data, Monthly Averages, version 1

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monthly_ave - Monthly Average
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Project - CCSM
Name Description Units Standard Name Standard Name Vocabulary
EVAP_F Evaporation Flux from Coupler kg/m^2/s Evaporation Flux from Coupler CF-1.0
HBLT Boundary-Layer Depth centimeter Boundary-Layer Depth CF-1.0
HMXL Mixed-Layer Depth centimeter Mixed-Layer Depth CF-1.0
IAGE Ideal Age years Ideal Age CF-1.0
KE Horizontal Kinetic Energy centimeter^2/s^2 Horizontal Kinetic Energy CF-1.0
LWDN_F Longwave Heat Flux (dn) from Coupler watt/m^2 Longwave Heat Flux (dn) from Coupler CF-1.0
LWUP_F Longwave Heat Flux (up) from Coupler watt/m^2 Longwave Heat Flux (up) from Coupler CF-1.0
MELT_F Melt Flux from Coupler kg/m^2/s Melt Flux from Coupler CF-1.0
MELTH_F Melt Heat Flux from Coupler watt/m^2 Melt Heat Flux from Coupler CF-1.0
PD Potential Density Ref to Surface gram/centimeter^3 Potential Density Ref to Surface CF-1.0
PREC_F Precipitation Flux from Cpl (rain+snow) kg/m^2/s Precipitation Flux from Cpl (rain+snow) CF-1.0
ROFF_F Runoff Flux from Coupler kg/m^2/s Runoff Flux from Coupler CF-1.0
SALT Salinity gram/kilogram Salinity CF-1.0
SALT_F Salt Flux from Coupler (kg of salt/m^2/s) kg/m^2/s Salt Flux from Coupler (kg of salt/m^2/s) CF-1.0
SENH_F Sensible Heat Flux from Coupler watt/m^2 Sensible Heat Flux from Coupler CF-1.0
SFWF Virtual Salt Flux in FW Flux formulation kg/m^2/s Virtual Salt Flux in FW Flux formulation CF-1.0
SHF Total Surface Heat Flux, Including SW watt/m^2 Total Surface Heat Flux, Including SW CF-1.0
SNOW_F Snow Flux from Coupler kg/m^2/s Snow Flux from Coupler CF-1.0
SSH Sea Surface Height centimeter Sea Surface Height CF-1.0
SSH2 SSH**2 cm^2 SSH**2 CF-1.0
TAUX Windstress in grid-x direction dyne/centimeter^2 Windstress in grid-x direction CF-1.0
TAUY Windstress in grid-y direction dyne/centimeter^2 Windstress in grid-y direction CF-1.0
TBLT Minimum Boundary-Layer Depth centimeter Minimum Boundary-Layer Depth CF-1.0
TEMP Potential Temperature degC Potential Temperature CF-1.0
TMXL Minimum Mixed-Layer Depth centimeter Minimum Mixed-Layer Depth CF-1.0
UES Salt Flux in grid-x direction gram/kilogram/s Salt Flux in grid-x direction CF-1.0
UET Flux of Heat in grid-x direction degC/s Flux of Heat in grid-x direction CF-1.0
UVEL Velocity in grid-x direction centimeter/s Velocity in grid-x direction CF-1.0
VNS Salt Flux in grid-y direction gram/kilogram/s Salt Flux in grid-y direction CF-1.0
VNT Flux of Heat in grid-y direction degC/s Flux of Heat in grid-y direction CF-1.0
VVEL Velocity in grid-y direction centimeter/s Velocity in grid-y direction CF-1.0
WVEL Vertical Velocity centimeter/s Vertical Velocity CF-1.0
XBLT Maximum Boundary-Layer Depth centimeter Maximum Boundary-Layer Depth CF-1.0
XMXL Maximum Mixed-Layer Depth centimeter Maximum Mixed-Layer Depth CF-1.0
Date Created
2021-02-22 15:05:11
Date Last Updated
2021-02-22 15:05:11
Version Date Publisher Published State Source
1 2021-02-22 15:05:11 Ilana Stern Published