ap |
Daily planetary A geomagnetic index |
None |
Daily planetary A geomagnetic index |
CF-1.0 |
Convectively available potential energy |
J/kg |
Convectively available potential energy |
CF-1.0 |
ch4vmr |
ch4 volume mixing ratio |
None |
ch4 volume mixing ratio |
CF-1.0 |
Vertically-integrated total cloud |
fraction |
Vertically-integrated total cloud |
CF-1.0 |
f107 |
10.7 cm solar radio flux (F10.7) |
10^-22 W m^-2 Hz^-1 |
10.7 cm solar radio flux (F10.7) |
CF-1.0 |
f107a |
81-day centered mean of 10.7 cm solar radio flux (F10.7) |
None |
81-day centered mean of 10.7 cm solar radio flux (F10.7) |
CF-1.0 |
f107p |
Pervious day 10.7 cm solar radio flux (F10.7) |
None |
Pervious day 10.7 cm solar radio flux (F10.7) |
CF-1.0 |
f11vmr |
f11 volume mixing ratio |
None |
f11 volume mixing ratio |
CF-1.0 |
f12vmr |
f12 volume mixing ratio |
None |
f12 volume mixing ratio |
CF-1.0 |
Downwelling longwave flux at surface |
W/m2 |
Downwelling longwave flux at surface |
CF-1.0 |
Net longwave flux at surface |
W/m2 |
Net longwave flux at surface |
CF-1.0 |
Net longwave flux at top of model |
W/m2 |
Net longwave flux at top of model |
CF-1.0 |
Upwelling longwave flux at top of model |
W/m2 |
Upwelling longwave flux at top of model |
CF-1.0 |
Downwelling solar flux at surface |
W/m2 |
Downwelling solar flux at surface |
CF-1.0 |
Net solar flux at surface |
W/m2 |
Net solar flux at surface |
CF-1.0 |
Net solar flux at top of model |
W/m2 |
Net solar flux at top of model |
CF-1.0 |
Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice |
fraction |
Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice |
CF-1.0 |
kp |
Daily planetary K geomagnetic index |
None |
Daily planetary K geomagnetic index |
CF-1.0 |
Fraction of sfc area covered by land |
fraction |
Fraction of sfc area covered by land |
CF-1.0 |
Surface latent heat flux |
W/m2 |
Surface latent heat flux |
CF-1.0 |
n2ovmr |
n2o volume mixing ratio |
None |
n2o volume mixing ratio |
CF-1.0 |
Fraction of sfc area covered by ocean |
fraction |
Fraction of sfc area covered by ocean |
CF-1.0 |
Surface geopotential |
m2/s2 |
Surface geopotential |
CF-1.0 |
Convective precipitation rate (liq + ice) |
m/s |
Convective precipitation rate (liq + ice) |
CF-1.0 |
Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate (liq + ice) |
m/s |
Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate (liq + ice) |
CF-1.0 |
Total (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq + ice) |
m/s |
Total (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq + ice) |
CF-1.0 |
PS |
Surface pressure |
Pa |
Surface pressure |
CF-1.0 |
Sea level pressure |
Pa |
Sea level pressure |
CF-1.0 |
Q850 |
Specific Humidity at 850 mbar pressure surface |
kg/kg |
Specific Humidity at 850 mbar pressure surface |
CF-1.0 |
Surface water flux |
kg/m2/s |
Surface water flux |
CF-1.0 |
Reference height humidity |
kg/kg |
Reference height humidity |
CF-1.0 |
RH600 |
Relative humidity at 600 hPa |
percent |
Relative humidity at 600 hPa |
CF-1.0 |
Reference height relative humidity |
fraction |
Reference height relative humidity |
CF-1.0 |
Surface sensible heat flux |
W/m2 |
Surface sensible heat flux |
CF-1.0 |
Snow depth over ice |
m |
Snow depth over ice |
CF-1.0 |
Water equivalent snow depth |
m |
Water equivalent snow depth |
CF-1.0 |
sol_tsi |
total solar irradiance |
W/m2 |
total solar irradiance |
CF-1.0 |
sea surface temperature |
K |
sea surface temperature |
CF-1.0 |
T010 |
Temperature at 10 mbar pressure surface |
K |
Temperature at 10 mbar pressure surface |
CF-1.0 |
T030 |
Temperature at 30 mbar pressure surface |
K |
Temperature at 30 mbar pressure surface |
CF-1.0 |
T050 |
Temperature at 50 mbar pressure surface |
K |
Temperature at 50 mbar pressure surface |
CF-1.0 |
T100 |
Temperature at 100 mbar pressure surface |
K |
Temperature at 100 mbar pressure surface |
CF-1.0 |
Zonal surface stress |
N/m2 |
Zonal surface stress |
CF-1.0 |
Meridional surface stress |
N/m2 |
Meridional surface stress |
CF-1.0 |
Total grid-box cloud ice water path |
kg/m2 |
Total grid-box cloud ice water path |
CF-1.0 |
Total grid-box cloud liquid water path |
kg/m2 |
Total grid-box cloud liquid water path |
CF-1.0 |
THzm |
Zonal-Mean potential temp - defined on ilev |
K |
Zonal-Mean potential temp - defined on ilev |
CF-1.0 |
Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water |
kg/m2 |
Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water |
CF-1.0 |
Reference height temperature |
K |
Reference height temperature |
CF-1.0 |
Minimum reference height temperature over output period |
K |
Minimum reference height temperature over output period |
CF-1.0 |
Maximum reference height temperature over output period |
K |
Maximum reference height temperature over output period |
CF-1.0 |
Tropopause Pressure |
Pa |
Tropopause Pressure |
CF-1.0 |
Tropopause Temperature |
K |
Tropopause Temperature |
CF-1.0 |
TS |
Surface temperature (radiative) |
K |
Surface temperature (radiative) |
CF-1.0 |
U10 |
10m wind speed |
m/s |
10m wind speed |
CF-1.0 |
UVzm |
Meridional Flux of Zonal Momentum: 3D zon. mean |
M2/S2 |
Meridional Flux of Zonal Momentum: 3D zon. mean |
CF-1.0 |
UWzm |
Vertical Flux of Zonal Momentum: 3D zon. mean |
M2/S2 |
Vertical Flux of Zonal Momentum: 3D zon. mean |
CF-1.0 |
Uzm |
Zonal-Mean zonal wind - defined on ilev |
M/S |
Zonal-Mean zonal wind - defined on ilev |
CF-1.0 |
VTHzm |
Meridional Heat Flux: 3D zon. mean |
MK/S |
Meridional Heat Flux: 3D zon. mean |
CF-1.0 |
Vzm |
Zonal-Mean meridional wind - defined on ilev |
M/S |
Zonal-Mean meridional wind - defined on ilev |
CF-1.0 |
Horizontal total wind speed average at the surface |
m/s |
Horizontal total wind speed average at the surface |
CF-1.0 |
Horizontal total wind speed maximum at the surface |
m/s |
Horizontal total wind speed maximum at the surface |
CF-1.0 |
WTHzm |
Vertical Heat Flux: 3D zon. mean |
MK/S |
Vertical Heat Flux: 3D zon. mean |
CF-1.0 |
Wzm |
Zonal-Mean vertical wind - defined on ilev |
M/S |
Zonal-Mean vertical wind - defined on ilev |
CF-1.0 |
Z500 |
Geopotential Z at 500 mbar pressure surface |
m |
Geopotential Z at 500 mbar pressure surface |
CF-1.0 |
zlon |
longitude |
degrees_east |
longitude |
CF-1.0 |
zlon_bnds |
zlon bounds |
degrees_east |
zlon bounds |
CF-1.0 |