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CESM2.1 run b.e21.BWHIST.f09_g17.CMIP6-historical-WACCM.001, Land Post Processed Data, Annual Averages, version 2

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annual_ave - Annual Average
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Project - CCSM
Name Description Units Standard Name Standard Name Vocabulary
area grid cell areas km^2 grid cell areas CF-1.0
cols1d_active true => do computations on this column None true => do computations on this column CF-1.0
cols1d_itype_col column type (see global attributes) None column type (see global attributes) CF-1.0
cols1d_itype_lunit column landunit type (vegetated,urban,lake,wetland,glacier or glacier_mec) None column landunit type (vegetated,urban,lake,wetland,glacier or glacier_mec) CF-1.0
cols1d_ixy 2d longitude index of corresponding column None 2d longitude index of corresponding column CF-1.0
cols1d_jxy 2d latitude index of corresponding column None 2d latitude index of corresponding column CF-1.0
cols1d_lat column latitude degrees_north column latitude CF-1.0
cols1d_lon column longitude degrees_east column longitude CF-1.0
cols1d_wtgcell column weight relative to corresponding gridcell None column weight relative to corresponding gridcell CF-1.0
cols1d_wtlunit column weight relative to corresponding landunit None column weight relative to corresponding landunit CF-1.0
CROPPROD1C 1-yr grain product C gC/m^2 1-yr grain product C CF-1.0
CWDC_vr CWD C (vertically resolved) gC/m^3 CWD C (vertically resolved) CF-1.0
CWDN_vr CWD N (vertically resolved) gN/m^3 CWD N (vertically resolved) CF-1.0
DEADCROOTC dead coarse root C gC/m^2 dead coarse root C CF-1.0
FROOTC fine root C gC/m^2 fine root C CF-1.0
FSNO_ICE fraction of ground covered by snow (ice landunits only) unitless fraction of ground covered by snow (ice landunits only) CF-1.0
grid1d_ixy 2d longitude index of corresponding gridcell None 2d longitude index of corresponding gridcell CF-1.0
grid1d_jxy 2d latitude index of corresponding gridcell None 2d latitude index of corresponding gridcell CF-1.0
grid1d_lat gridcell latitude degrees_north gridcell latitude CF-1.0
grid1d_lon gridcell longitude degrees_east gridcell longitude CF-1.0
land1d_active true => do computations on this landunit None true => do computations on this landunit CF-1.0
land1d_ityplunit landunit type (vegetated,urban,lake,wetland,glacier or glacier_mec) None landunit type (vegetated,urban,lake,wetland,glacier or glacier_mec) CF-1.0
land1d_ixy 2d longitude index of corresponding landunit None 2d longitude index of corresponding landunit CF-1.0
land1d_jxy 2d latitude index of corresponding landunit None 2d latitude index of corresponding landunit CF-1.0
land1d_lat landunit latitude degrees_north landunit latitude CF-1.0
land1d_lon landunit longitude degrees_east landunit longitude CF-1.0
land1d_wtgcell landunit weight relative to corresponding gridcell None landunit weight relative to corresponding gridcell CF-1.0
landfrac land fraction None land fraction CF-1.0
landmask land/ocean mask (0.=ocean and 1.=land) None land/ocean mask (0.=ocean and 1.=land) CF-1.0
levdcmp coordinate soil levels m coordinate soil levels CF-1.0
levgrnd coordinate soil levels m coordinate soil levels CF-1.0
levlak coordinate lake levels m coordinate lake levels CF-1.0
LITR1C_vr LITR1 C (vertically resolved) gC/m^3 LITR1 C (vertically resolved) CF-1.0
LITR1N_vr LITR1 N (vertically resolved) gN/m^3 LITR1 N (vertically resolved) CF-1.0
LITR2C_vr LITR2 C (vertically resolved) gC/m^3 LITR2 C (vertically resolved) CF-1.0
LITR2N_vr LITR2 N (vertically resolved) gN/m^3 LITR2 N (vertically resolved) CF-1.0
LITR3C_vr LITR3 C (vertically resolved) gC/m^3 LITR3 C (vertically resolved) CF-1.0
LITR3N_vr LITR3 N (vertically resolved) gN/m^3 LITR3 N (vertically resolved) CF-1.0
LIVECROOTC live coarse root C gC/m^2 live coarse root C CF-1.0
mcdate current date (YYYYMMDD) None current date (YYYYMMDD) CF-1.0
mcsec current seconds of current date s current seconds of current date CF-1.0
mdcur current day (from base day) None current day (from base day) CF-1.0
mscur current seconds of current day None current seconds of current day CF-1.0
nbedrock index of shallowest bedrock layer None index of shallowest bedrock layer CF-1.0
nstep time step None time step CF-1.0
PCT_CFT % of each crop on the crop landunit % % of each crop on the crop landunit CF-1.0
PCT_GLC_MEC % of each GLC elevation class on the glc_mec landunit % % of each GLC elevation class on the glc_mec landunit CF-1.0
PCT_LANDUNIT % of each landunit on grid cell % % of each landunit on grid cell CF-1.0
PCT_NAT_PFT % of each PFT on the natural vegetation (i.e., soil) landunit % % of each PFT on the natural vegetation (i.e., soil) landunit CF-1.0
pftmask pft real/fake mask (0.=fake and 1.=real) None pft real/fake mask (0.=fake and 1.=real) CF-1.0
pfts1d_active true => do computations on this pft None true => do computations on this pft CF-1.0
pfts1d_itype_col pft column type (see global attributes) None pft column type (see global attributes) CF-1.0
pfts1d_itype_lunit pft landunit type (vegetated,urban,lake,wetland,glacier or glacier_mec) None pft landunit type (vegetated,urban,lake,wetland,glacier or glacier_mec) CF-1.0
pfts1d_itype_veg pft vegetation type None pft vegetation type CF-1.0
pfts1d_ixy 2d longitude index of corresponding pft None 2d longitude index of corresponding pft CF-1.0
pfts1d_jxy 2d latitude index of corresponding pft None 2d latitude index of corresponding pft CF-1.0
pfts1d_lat pft latitude degrees_north pft latitude CF-1.0
pfts1d_lon pft longitude degrees_east pft longitude CF-1.0
pfts1d_wtcol pft weight relative to corresponding column None pft weight relative to corresponding column CF-1.0
pfts1d_wtgcell pft weight relative to corresponding gridcell None pft weight relative to corresponding gridcell CF-1.0
pfts1d_wtlunit pft weight relative to corresponding landunit None pft weight relative to corresponding landunit CF-1.0
QICE_FORC qice forcing sent to GLC mm/s qice forcing sent to GLC CF-1.0
SOIL1C_vr SOIL1 C (vertically resolved) gC/m^3 SOIL1 C (vertically resolved) CF-1.0
SOIL1N_vr SOIL1 N (vertically resolved) gN/m^3 SOIL1 N (vertically resolved) CF-1.0
SOIL2C_vr SOIL2 C (vertically resolved) gC/m^3 SOIL2 C (vertically resolved) CF-1.0
SOIL2N_vr SOIL2 N (vertically resolved) gN/m^3 SOIL2 N (vertically resolved) CF-1.0
SOIL3C_vr SOIL3 C (vertically resolved) gC/m^3 SOIL3 C (vertically resolved) CF-1.0
SOIL3N_vr SOIL3 N (vertically resolved) gN/m^3 SOIL3 N (vertically resolved) CF-1.0
TOPO_FORC topograephic height sent to GLC m topograephic height sent to GLC CF-1.0
TOTECOSYSC total ecosystem carbon, incl veg but excl cpool and product pools gC/m^2 total ecosystem carbon, incl veg but excl cpool and product pools CF-1.0
TOTLITC total litter carbon gC/m^2 total litter carbon CF-1.0
TOTSOMC total soil organic matter carbon gC/m^2 total soil organic matter carbon CF-1.0
TOTSOMC_1m total soil organic matter carbon to 1 meter depth gC/m^2 total soil organic matter carbon to 1 meter depth CF-1.0
TOTVEGC total vegetation carbon, excluding cpool gC/m^2 total vegetation carbon, excluding cpool CF-1.0
TOT_WOODPRODC total wood product C gC/m^2 total wood product C CF-1.0
TSRF_FORC surface temperature sent to GLC K surface temperature sent to GLC CF-1.0
WOODC wood C gC/m^2 wood C CF-1.0
Date Created
2018-12-08 10:32:57
Date Last Updated
2020-09-23 18:31:26
Version Date Publisher Published State Source
2 2020-09-23 18:31:26 Ilana Stern Published
1 2018-12-08 10:32:57 Ilana Stern Published