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CCSM run so2_ctl_fb.control, Ice History Data, Monthly Averages, version 15

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monthly_ave - Monthly Average
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Experiment - so2_ctl_fb.control
Project - CCSM
Name Description Units Standard Name Standard Name Vocabulary
aeroiceint001 ice int aerosol mass kg/kg ice int aerosol mass CF-1.0
aeroiceint002 ice int aerosol mass kg/kg ice int aerosol mass CF-1.0
aeroiceint003 ice int aerosol mass kg/kg ice int aerosol mass CF-1.0
aeroicessl001 ice ssl aerosol mass kg/kg ice ssl aerosol mass CF-1.0
aeroicessl002 ice ssl aerosol mass kg/kg ice ssl aerosol mass CF-1.0
aeroicessl003 ice ssl aerosol mass kg/kg ice ssl aerosol mass CF-1.0
aerosnoint001 snow int aerosol mass kg/kg snow int aerosol mass CF-1.0
aerosnoint002 snow int aerosol mass kg/kg snow int aerosol mass CF-1.0
aerosnoint003 snow int aerosol mass kg/kg snow int aerosol mass CF-1.0
aerosnossl001 snow ssl aerosol mass kg/kg snow ssl aerosol mass CF-1.0
aerosnossl002 snow ssl aerosol mass kg/kg snow ssl aerosol mass CF-1.0
aerosnossl003 snow ssl aerosol mass kg/kg snow ssl aerosol mass CF-1.0
aice ice area (aggregate) 1 ice area (aggregate) CF-1.0
aicen ice area, categories 1 ice area, categories CF-1.0
albice bare ice albedo % bare ice albedo CF-1.0
albpnd melt pond albedo % melt pond albedo CF-1.0
albsni snow/ice broad band albedo % snow/ice broad band albedo CF-1.0
albsno snow albedo % snow albedo CF-1.0
alidf_ai near IR diffuse albedo % near IR diffuse albedo CF-1.0
alidr_ai near IR direct albedo % near IR direct albedo CF-1.0
alvdf_ai visible diffuse albedo % visible diffuse albedo CF-1.0
alvdr_ai visible direct albedo % visible direct albedo CF-1.0
apond melt pond fraction of sea ice 1 melt pond fraction of sea ice CF-1.0
apondn melt pond fraction, category 1 melt pond fraction, category CF-1.0
blkmask ice grid block mask None ice grid block mask CF-1.0
congel congelation ice growth cm/day congelation ice growth CF-1.0
dagedtd age tendency dynamics day/day age tendency dynamics CF-1.0
dagedtt age tendency thermo day/day age tendency thermo CF-1.0
daidtd area tendency dynamics %/day area tendency dynamics CF-1.0
daidtt area tendency thermo %/day area tendency thermo CF-1.0
divu strain rate (divergence) %/day strain rate (divergence) CF-1.0
dvidtd volume tendency dynamics cm/day volume tendency dynamics CF-1.0
dvidtt volume tendency thermo cm/day volume tendency thermo CF-1.0
evap evaporative water flux (cpl) cm/day evaporative water flux (cpl) CF-1.0
faero_atm001 aerosol deposition rate kg/m^2 s aerosol deposition rate CF-1.0
faero_atm002 aerosol deposition rate kg/m^2 s aerosol deposition rate CF-1.0
faero_atm003 aerosol deposition rate kg/m^2 s aerosol deposition rate CF-1.0
faero_ocn001 aerosol flux to ocean kg/m^2 s aerosol flux to ocean CF-1.0
faero_ocn002 aerosol flux to ocean kg/m^2 s aerosol flux to ocean CF-1.0
faero_ocn003 aerosol flux to ocean kg/m^2 s aerosol flux to ocean CF-1.0
fhocn heat flux ice to ocn (cpl) W/m^2 heat flux ice to ocn (cpl) CF-1.0
fhocn_ai heat flux ice to ocean W/m^2 heat flux ice to ocean CF-1.0
flat latent heat flux (cpl) W/m^2 latent heat flux (cpl) CF-1.0
flwdn down longwave flux W/m^2 down longwave flux CF-1.0
flwup upward longwave flux (cpl) W/m^2 upward longwave flux (cpl) CF-1.0
frazil frazil ice growth cm/day frazil ice growth CF-1.0
fresh freshwtr flx ice to ocn (cpl) cm/day freshwtr flx ice to ocn (cpl) CF-1.0
fresh_ai freshwtr flx ice to ocn cm/day freshwtr flx ice to ocn CF-1.0
fsalt salt flux ice to ocn (cpl) kg/m^2/s salt flux ice to ocn (cpl) CF-1.0
fsalt_ai salt flux ice to ocean kg/m^2/s salt flux ice to ocean CF-1.0
fsens sensible heat flux (cpl) W/m^2 sensible heat flux (cpl) CF-1.0
fswabs snow/ice/ocn absorbed solar flux (cpl) W/m^2 snow/ice/ocn absorbed solar flux (cpl) CF-1.0
fswdn down solar flux W/m^2 down solar flux CF-1.0
fswthru SW thru ice to ocean (cpl) W/m^2 SW thru ice to ocean (cpl) CF-1.0
fswup upward solar flux W/m^2 upward solar flux CF-1.0
hi grid cell mean ice thickness m grid cell mean ice thickness CF-1.0
hs grid cell mean snow thickness m grid cell mean snow thickness CF-1.0
ice_present fraction of time-avg interval that ice is present 1 fraction of time-avg interval that ice is present CF-1.0
meltb basal ice melt cm/day basal ice melt CF-1.0
meltl lateral ice melt cm/day lateral ice melt CF-1.0
melts top snow melt cm/day top snow melt CF-1.0
meltt top ice melt cm/day top ice melt CF-1.0
NCAT category maximum thickness m category maximum thickness CF-1.0
Qref 2m reference specific humidity g/kg 2m reference specific humidity CF-1.0
rain rainfall rate (cpl) cm/day rainfall rate (cpl) CF-1.0
shear strain rate (shear) %/day strain rate (shear) CF-1.0
sig1 norm. principal stress 1 1 norm. principal stress 1 CF-1.0
sig2 norm. principal stress 2 1 norm. principal stress 2 CF-1.0
snoice snow-ice formation cm/day snow-ice formation CF-1.0
snow snowfall rate (cpl) cm/day snowfall rate (cpl) CF-1.0
snowfrac grid cell mean snow fraction 1 grid cell mean snow fraction CF-1.0
snowfracn category mean snow fraction 1 category mean snow fraction CF-1.0
strairx atm/ice stress (x) N/m^2 atm/ice stress (x) CF-1.0
strairy atm/ice stress (y) N/m^2 atm/ice stress (y) CF-1.0
strcorx coriolis stress (x) N/m^2 coriolis stress (x) CF-1.0
strcory coriolis stress (y) N/m^2 coriolis stress (y) CF-1.0
strength compressive ice strength N/m compressive ice strength CF-1.0
strintx internal ice stress (x) N/m^2 internal ice stress (x) CF-1.0
strinty internal ice stress (y) N/m^2 internal ice stress (y) CF-1.0
strocnx ocean/ice stress (x) N/m^2 ocean/ice stress (x) CF-1.0
strocny ocean/ice stress (y) N/m^2 ocean/ice stress (y) CF-1.0
strtltx sea sfc tilt stress (x) N/m^2 sea sfc tilt stress (x) CF-1.0
strtlty sea sfc tilt stress (y) N/m^2 sea sfc tilt stress (y) CF-1.0
Tref 2m reference temperature C 2m reference temperature CF-1.0
Tsfc snow/ice surface temperature C snow/ice surface temperature CF-1.0
uatm atm velocity (x) m/s atm velocity (x) CF-1.0
uvel ice velocity (x) m/s ice velocity (x) CF-1.0
vatm atm velocity (y) m/s atm velocity (y) CF-1.0
VGRDb vertical ice-bio levels 1 vertical ice-bio levels CF-1.0
VGRDi vertical ice levels 1 vertical ice levels CF-1.0
VGRDs vertical snow levels 1 vertical snow levels CF-1.0
vicen ice volume, categories m ice volume, categories CF-1.0
vsnon snow depth on ice, categories m snow depth on ice, categories CF-1.0
vvel ice velocity (y) m/s ice velocity (y) CF-1.0
Date Created
2017-09-26 11:39:16
Date Last Updated
2022-03-02 10:46:17
Version Date Publisher Published State Source
15 2017-09-26 14:53:30 Ilana Stern Published
10 2017-09-26 13:25:02 Ilana Stern Published
5 2017-09-26 12:11:59 Ilana Stern Published
1 2017-09-26 11:39:16 Ilana Stern Published