- Description
- Data generated by the Community Earth System Model (Community Climate System Model version 4)
- Related Activities
CESM1/CAM5 1 degree AMIP run, 1979-2006
CESM1/CAM5 2 degree AMIP run, 1979-1999
Ocean History Data from POP/EnKf system
WACCM-X Present Day Control
CESM1 1° Ocean-Ice Interannually Forced Control
CESM 1.0.4 c.e104.CNYF.T62_gx1v6.01 ocean verification data
CESM1 POP2 port validation data
CESM1.0 CICE port validation data (bluefire control)
CCSM 4.0 2 degree PI control
CCSM4 30-member ensemble of 20th century (1970-2005)
Last Millennium Ensemble Project web page for information on this set of experiments. Also see datasets linked below which are part of this project but not archived under this structure.
The gridded output files from the Modern Era Retrospective-analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) of the Goddard Earth Observing System Data Assimilation System (GEOS DAS)
Climatology of global aerosol properties from 1990 to 2014, calculated based on new volcanic emissions database combined with other non-volcanic emissions of sulfur sources. Contact: Mike Mills, NCAR ACOM, mmills@ucar.edu.
CCSM4/CAM4 FV1 slab ocean model 1% per year CO2 increase simulation, years 51-500
Climatology of global aerosol properties calculated based on new volcanic emissions database combined with other non-volcanic emissions of sulfur sources. Contact: Mike Mills, NCAR ACOM, mmills@ucar.edu.
Branched from 20th century CESM1-CAM5-BGC Large Ensemble with RCP8.5 forcing, but aerosols fixed at 2005 values. Citation: Xu, Y., J.-F. Lamarque, and B. M. Sanderson (2015), The importance of aerosol scenarios in projections of future heat extremes, Climatic Change, 1–14, doi:10.1007/s10584-015-1565-1.
16-year CESM aquaplanet simulation using prescribed ("QOBS") SSTs at perpetual equinox
The gridded output files from version 5 of the Goddard Earth Observing System Data Assimilation System (GEOS-5 DAS) interpolated to various CESM model grids.
The gridded output files from the Modern Era Retrospective-analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) of the Goddard Earth Observing System Data Assimilation System (GEOS DAS) interpolated to various CESM model grids.
An idealized, time-invariant, zonally averaged, zonally symmetric ozone dataset designed by the Aqua-Planet Experiment Project. Reformatted for use in CAM aqua-planet experiments: The original APE dataset was expanded to the 3 spatial dimensions and "time", mapped to the T42 (128x64) horizontal grid, mapped to 26 levels between 1003.69 and 0.28 hPa, and 12 copies of the time-invariant field created to represent a "monthly climatology" within the dataset. CAM uses the reforma...
- An idealized, time-invariant, zonally averaged, zonally symmetric ozone dataset based on that used for the Aqua-Planet Experiment Project (
http://www.met.reading.ac.uk/~mike/APE/ape_spec.html, see also
doi:10.5065/D61834Q6), but expanded vertically for use in high-topped models.
- To allow high-top models to utilize the dataset, a WACCM ozone data set was blended with the origina...
CAM4 at 1 degree AMIP run, 1979-2010
CCSM c40.t62x1.verif.01 ocean verification data
CCSM 4.0 Ocean-only CCSM4 core2 hindcast 1948-2007
CESM 1.0 c40.t62x1.verif.03 ocean verification data
CCSM 4.0 Ocean/ice CCSM4 core2 hindcast 1948-2007
CAM4 at 2 degree AMIP run, 1979-2005
CAM4 at 1 degree AMIP run, 1990-2000
CESM1 (FASTCHEM) pre-industrial control
CAM5 at 2 degree AMIP run, 1979-2004
CLM4CN offline simulation forced with CRU-NCEP data. Resolution is 0.5deg, model version is ccsm4_0_rel08. This is a branch off of i1860-2009cnGCPs3 (a GCP run) with daily output.
The gridded output files from version 5 of the Goddard Earth Observing System Data Assimilation System (GEOS-5 DAS) interpolated to the CESM model grid: 1.9x2.5
The gridded output files from version 5 of the Goddard Earth Observing System Data Assimilation System (GEOS-5 DAS) interpolated to the CESM model grid: .5x.6
The gridded output files from the Modern Era Retrospective-analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) of the Goddard Earth Observing System Data Assimilation System (GEOS DAS) interpolated to the CESM model grid: 1.9x2.5
The gridded output files from the Modern Era Retrospective-analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) of the Goddard Earth Observing System Data Assimilation System (GEOS DAS) interpolated to the CESM model grid: .5x.6
21st century RCP 8.5 (MOAR)
TIER1 CCSM4 at 1 degree AMIP run, 1979-2010
TIER1 CCSM4 at 1 degree AMIP run, 1979-2010
TIER1 CCSM4 at 1 degree AMIP run, 1979-2010
TIER1 CCSM4 at 1 degree AMIP run, 1979-2010
TIER1 CCSM4 at 1 degree AMIP run, 1979-2010
Fully-coupled WACCM simulations with two different aerosol forcing files. The aerosol forcing files include background aerosols, but differ in that only one aerosol forcing file also includes explosive volcanic eruptions added to the background aerosols. Each ensemble contains 11 members with slightly varying initial conditions.
These simulation data are taken from aquaplanet and "real-Earth" configurations of the NCAR Community Climate System Model version 4 (CCSM4) and Community Earth System Model version 1.2.2 (hereafter, “CESM1”). The Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) is the atmospheric component of the climate model. Each file contains only a single data field (plus supporting data) for a single simulation. Only two primary data fields are provided in this collection: daily averaged total precipitation (PRECT) and t...
Output are from the CESM2(WACCM-X).The model’s dynamical fields (temperature, zonal and meridional winds and surface pressure) are specified in the troposphere and stratosphere from the Modern Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) [Rienecker et al., 2011]. The model has a horizontal resolution of 1.9˚ latitude by 2.5˚ longitude. This simulation followed the “REFC1D” protocol of the Chemistry Climate Model Initiative [Eyring et al., 2013] for the specification of time-d...
Radiative kernels and forcing calculated with CESM1.1 (CAM5), large-ensemble version, for both the top-of-atmosphere and the surface. A demo usage script is also included.
The first simulations of stratospheric sulfate aerosol geoengineering using multiple injection locations to meet multiple simultaneous surface temperature objectives. Simulations were performed using CESM1(WACCM), a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model with fully interactive stratospheric chemistry, dynamics (including an internally generated quasi-biennial oscillation), and a sophisticated treatment of sulfate aerosol formation, microphysical growth, and deposition. The objective...
The CESM1-CAM5 fixed ozone runs are eight CESM simulations that use the Large Ensemble (LENS) code base and were initialized in 1955 with Large Ensemble members. The runs use the same external forcings as those in the 20th Century CESM LENS except for ozone. Instead of prescribing a time-varying ozone concentration as in LENS, ozone is kept at constant 1955 concentrations (the ozone file is
Three sets of experiments as part of the Chemistry Climate Model Initiative project: REFC2 , G4SSA and G4SSA-S using the full tropospheric and stratospheric chemistry version of the Community Earth System Model – Community Atmospheric Model 4 (CESM CAM4-chem) with horizontal resolution of 0.9° x 1.25° lat-lon and 26 levels from the surface to about 40 km (3.5 hPa). Each set of experiment has three ensemble members. RCP6.0 is the reference run from 2004 to 2089, and G4SSA and G4SSA-S are two sol...
Computed using resources at UCSD by Brian Kawzenuk.
Among other forcings, past climate variations have been driven by changes in Earth’s orbit and greenhouse gas concentrations. These forcings often change concurrently, making it difficult to isolate specific climate responses from the paleoclimate record alone. Here, simulations are run with the NCAR CESM1.2 to isolate the climate responses to different past forcings. In each simulation, only one boundary condition is changed while others remain fixed at preindustrial levels, with the goal of...
Output are from the CESM2(WACCM-X 2.0). These are results from a free running historical simulation. The model has a horizontal resolution of 1.9˚ latitude by 2.5˚ longitude. This simulation followed the “REFC1D” protocol of the Chemistry Climate Model Initiative [Eyring et al., 2013] for the specification of time-dependent greenhouse gases and ozone depleting substances. Data are provided for evaluation/validation purposes. Please contact marsh@ucar.edu for terms of use.
Eyring et al. (2013)...
The data provided here were used for analysis in the Geophysical Research Letters publication “Cover crops may cause winter warming in snow-covered regions” by Danica Lombardozzi et al. All data are from uncoupled CLM or CLM-CAM simulations, and were run in one of four cover crop configurations that modified the cropland area during the fallow season over North America in the land surface data set used within each simulation: 1) no cover crop, where crop area has no leaf area during the fallow s...
Global monthly-mean history files used for the analysis presented in Schmidt et al. (2018), Volcanic radiative forcing from 1979 to 2015, JGR-Atmospheres.
The data provided here were used for analysis in the JGR-Biogeosciences publication “Changes in wood biomass and crop yields in response to projected CO2, O3, nitrogen deposition, and climate” by Danica Lombardozzi et al. All data are from uncoupled CLM simulations that used an anomaly forcing technique to apply RCP8.5 future forcings. Six simulations were run with either individual or a combination of future forcings.
200-year pre-industrial control simulation of specified chemistry CESM1(WACCM) with coupled ocean as described in Smith et al. (2014)
Data included here include model input data (used to run the biogeochemical testbed), and
annually averaged model output (analyzed in Wieder et al. 2018a, b).
Input data are daily forcing, ‘met.nc’, files that were generated by the satellite phenology
scheme of the Community Land Model (CLM, version 4.5sp; Oleson et al. 2013). Data for the
historical period (1901-2010) were generated with atmospheric condition from the CRU-NCEP
climate reanalysis data. Data for future scenarios (2011-2100) ...
Climatology and atmospheric monthly mean data used for the paper “Evolution of the double-ITCZ bias through CESM2 development” by Woelfle et al. This study explores the evolution of the double-ITCZ bias across the CESM2.0 development process. The data for this study consists of fully coupled model simulations generated during the development of CESM2.0 and prescribed SST simulations design to explore the differences between the atmosphere models of version 119 and version 125.
Citation format...
This data includes select model output from a global, eddy-resolving, numerical simulation integrated with the ocean [Smith et al. 2010], sea-ice [Hunke and Lipscomb 2008] and marine biogeochemistry [Moore et al. 2013] components of the the Community Earth System Model (CESM1) [Hurrell et al. 2013], forced with atmospheric data from the Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiment (CORE I) "normal year" [Large and Yeager 2004]. This simulation was run for 5-years after initialization (see H...
Two high-resolution versions of a coupled Earth system model (CESM1.3: 0.25˚-atmosphere, 1˚-ocean; CESM1.1: 0.25˚-atmosphere, 0.1˚-ocean) are compared to the standard resolution CESM1.1 and CESM1.3 (1˚-atmosphere, 1˚-ocean). The CESM1.3 versions are documented, and the consequences of model resolution, air-sea coupling, and physics in the atmospheric models are studied with regards to storm tracks in the Southern Hemisphere as represented by 850 hPa eddy kinetic energy. Increasing the resolution...
The CESM mid-Pliocene project, completed by Bette Otto-Bliesner, Ran Feng, Esther Brady, and Nan Rosenbloom, is a set of published simulations to understand mid-Pliocene climate variability, similarities and dissimilarities with pre-Industrial, and model skills in simulating this period. One experiment contributes to the Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project phase 1 (PlioMIP1). The rest are sensitivity experiments branched from the PlioMIP1 experiment. These sensitivity experiments quantify mid...
Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP) Tier 2 C20C+ developer catalogues. Each ARTMIP method/algorithm (named by the developer) submits a catalogue comprised of 0's (no AR exists) or 1's (yes AR exists) for each time slice, for each grid point, using a curated set of output from the Climate of the 20th Century Plus Detection and Attribution project (C20C+). Simulations came from the Community Atmosphere Model's finite-volume dynamical core version at 25 km horizontal ...
Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP) Tier 2 CMIP5/6 developer catalogues. Each ARTMIP method/algorithm (named by developer) submits a catalogue comprised of 0's (no AR exists) or 1's (yes AR exists) for each time slice, for each grid point, using a curated set of output from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 and 6 multimodel ensembles (see Table 1). Catalogues are created for single ensemble members from historical simulations and for RCP8.5 (CMIP5) and S...
The CESM PlioMIP2 project, completed by Bette Otto-Bliesner, Ran Feng, and Esther Brady, is a set of published simulations contributing to Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project Phase 2 (PlioMIP2) and Climate Model Intercomparison Project 6 (CMIP6). The 'Download Options' button leads to a file with a more complete description and references.
The Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering Large Ensemble project (GLENS) is a 20-member ensemble of stratospheric sulfate aerosol geoengineering simulations between 2020-2099 and a 20-member ensemble of control simulations over a reference period between 2010-2030 using the NCAR Community Earth System Model with the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model as its atmospheric component.
The relative importance of radiative feedbacks and emissions scenarios in controlling surface warming patterns is challenging to quantify across model generations. We analyze three variants of the Community Earth System Model (CESM) with differing equilibrium climate sensitivities (ECS) under identical CMIP5 historical and high-emissions scenarios. CESM1, our base model, exhibits Arctic-amplified warming with the least warming in the Southern Hemisphere middle latitudes. A variant of CESM1 with ...
Robust and nonrobust aspects of Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) variability and mechanisms are analyzed in several 600-yr simulations with the Community Earth System Model. The simulations consist of a set of cases where a few loosely constrained ocean model parameter values are changed, a pair of cases where round-off level perturbations are applied to the initial atmospheric temperature field, and a millennium-scale integration. The time scales of variability differ among th...