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CCSM run b.e12.B1850.f09_g16.PIMP4-pliomip2.ccsm4, River Transport Model Post Processed Data, Monthly Averages, version 1

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monthly_ave - Monthly Average
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Project - CCSM
Name Description Units Standard Name Standard Name Vocabulary
fthresh flooding threshold m3 flooding threshold CF-1.0
mcdate current date (YYYYMMDD) None current date (YYYYMMDD) CF-1.0
mcsec current seconds of current date s current seconds of current date CF-1.0
mdcur current day (from base day) None current day (from base day) CF-1.0
mscur current seconds of current day None current seconds of current day CF-1.0
nstep time step None time step CF-1.0
QCHANR RTM river flow: LIQ m3/s RTM river flow: LIQ CF-1.0
QCHANR_ICE RTM river flow: ICE m3/s RTM river flow: ICE CF-1.0
QCHOCNR RTM river discharge into ocean: LIQ m3/s RTM river discharge into ocean: LIQ CF-1.0
QCHOCNR_ICE RTM river discharge into ocean: ICE m3/s RTM river discharge into ocean: ICE CF-1.0
Date Created
2021-01-15 19:40:13
Date Last Updated
2021-01-15 19:40:13
Version Date Publisher Published State Source
1 2021-01-15 19:40:13 Ilana Stern Published